Cut to the core with symptom relief that’s delivered differently

With its unique PROdrug formulation, Horizant® levels in circulation directly correspond to the dose1-3

A green apple with a slice taken out of it

Consider the PROs you may experience with Horizant®: prolonged absorption, AUC exposure that increases predictably in proportion to the dose, and PROdrug delivery1,3


  • Horizant® is recognized by transporters distributed throughout the intestinal tract for prolonged, 24-hour absorption1,3


  • Horizant® is formulated for enhanced absorption so that levels in circulation increase predictably in proportion to the prescribed dose1,3


  • As a PROdrug, Horizant® has a unique delivery mechanism3

The clinical significance of the PK data for Horizant® and gabapentin is unknown.

High-capacity transporters absorb Horizant® throughout the intestinal tract3

Absorption with Horizant®6

Adapted from Lal R, et al. Ther Drug Monit. 2022;44(3):449.

Horizant® is thought to be absorbed by high-capacity nutrient transporters in the intestinal lumen. These transporters are located throughout the entire intestinal tract. Horizant® is converted to gabapentin as it is absorbed into systemic circulation in the bloodstream.1,3

  • The conventional gabapentin absorption pathway may become saturated, limiting the amount of drug that reaches systemic circulation3
  • Horizant® is a PROdrug recognized by high-capacity nutrient transporters located through the intestinal tract3
  • Horizant®’s absorption pathway does not become saturated at clinically relevant doses, enabling a greater proportion of the dose of drug to reach systemic circulation3

Horizant® is not interchangeable with other gabapentin products.1
The clinical significance of the PK data for Horizant® and gabapentin is unknown.

The unique absorption of Horizant® enables extended and dose-proportional exposure3,7

  • To help patients achieve the optimal dose, a pathway is needed to increase drug levels that is not dependent on increasing the dose3,7,8
  • After administering approximate equimolar doses in a crossover study, Horizant® reaches higher Cmax and greater AUC compared with conventional gabapentin3

Approximate equimolar doses in the same healthy adults3

24-hour AUC curve for approximate equimolar doses of Horizant® and conventional gabapentin

Twenty-four hours after administering approximate equimolar doses of Horizant® (1200 mg, fed state) and gabapentin (600 mg, fasted state), Horizant® demonstrated a higher Cmax and greater AUC.

*The recommended dosage of Horizant® for RLS is 600 mg taken once daily with food at about 5 PM. A daily dose of 1200 mg provided no additional benefit compared with the 600 mg dose and caused an increase in adverse reactions. Patients with creatinine clearance <60 mL/min have a different dosing regimen.1

The molecular weight of Horizant® is ~2 times that of gabapentin: Two 600 mg doses of Horizant® contain ~626 mg of gabapentin.3

Data for fasted state are not available, as Horizant® Prescribing Information states that it should be taken with food.1

Conventional gabapentin levels may be limited by saturation of its absorption pathway3

Absorption with conventional gabapentin3

Intestinal tract illustrating absorption of conventional gabapentin

Gabapentin is thought to be absorbed only in the upper intestinal tract by low-capacity nutrient transporters that limit how much of the drug reaches systemic circulation.3

  • Saturation of the transporters limits how much gabapentin reaches systemic circulation3
  • Saturation varies between individuals and therefore makes the bioavailability difficult to predict3,6
  • Conventional gabapentin is thought to be absorbed in the upper small intestine via a low-capacity transporter3

Horizant® exposure was shown to increase in proportion with the dose3

  • Because Horizant® is absorbed differently, plasma concentration increases predictably as the dose increases3

Dose proportionality of Horizant® vs gabapentin AUC in blood after single oral doses3

Linear regression of gabapentin vs Horizant® AUC based on the dose

Adapted from Cundy KC, et al. J Clin Pharmacol. 2008;48(12):1383.

Gabapentin AUC exposure was less than dose-proportional in a PK study evaluating dose proportionality of Horizant® vs gabapentin AUC in blood after single oral doses. Gabapentin blood levels were shown to reach a maximum value independent of the dose. This is consistent with saturation of absorption. With Horizant®, exposure to gabapentin (AUC[0-∞]) in blood was proportional to the oral dose over doses ranging from 350 to 2800 mg (182 mg to 1460 mg-equivalents of gabapentin).3

Horizant® was designed as an extended-release gabapentin formulation with enhanced absorption1,3

Bioavailability of Horizant® vs conventional gabapentin3*,†

74.5% bioavailability with Horizant® (fed state) vs 36.6% with conventional gabapentin (fasted state)

The pharmacokinetics of Horizant® were compared with those of conventional gabapentin in a crossover study of the same healthy adults. Patients (N=12) were randomized to 3 different treatment sequences, each receiving 3 doses: a 626 mg gabapentin-equivalent dose of Horizant® with food, a 626 mg gabapentin-equivalent dose of Horizant® without food, and a 600 mg dose of conventional gabapentin without food. Patients had a 7-day washout period between doses. Data for fasted state are not available, as Horizant® Prescribing Information states that it should be taken with food.3

  • This may contribute to THE difference in bioavailability of Horizant® compared to conventional gabapentin1,2

*Horizant® 1200 mg (two 600 mg tablets, equivalent in total to 626 mg of conventional gabapentin) taken with food vs conventional gabapentin 600 mg taken without food. Data for fasted state are not available, as Horizant® Prescribing Information states that it should be taken with food.1
The molecular weight of Horizant® is ~2 times that of gabapentin: Two 600 mg doses of Horizant® contain ~626 mg of gabapentin.3

When dosed 2x daily, Horizant® delivers extended gabapentin exposure1*

  • Horizant® provides dose-proportional drug exposure to gabapentin3

*Horizant® for RLS is 600 mg taken once daily with food at about 5 PM. A daily dose of 1200 mg provided no additional benefit compared with the 600 mg dose and caused an increase in adverse reactions.1

24-hour Horizant® concentrations1

Horizant® AUC over 24 hours when dosed twice daily

For subjects taking Horizant® 600 mg twice daily, the estimated steady-state mean
Cmax was 5.35 μg/mL, Tmax with food was 7.3 hours, mean Cmin was 3.63 μg/mL, and mean peak trough ratio was 1.5.

AUC=area under the curve; Cmax=maximum concentration; Cmin=minimum concentration; CNS=central nervous system; PK=pharmacokinetic/pharmacokinetics; r2=coefficient of determination; Tmax=time to maximum concentration.